Ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Sometimes I don’t want to wake up at all, especially if I was in the middle of a juicy dream:~)
I created a recording to play on my ipod or iphone
as an alarm clock setting, it has some gentle reminders that I am a co-creator with Spirit and as I focus my intention I am creating.
I’m sharing it with you in case you need a little boost in the morning. It’s easy to record your intentions, add them into your itunes library and then create a playlist that you will set your Alarm Clock to wake up to. I got really into it and made the first 45 minutes of the playlist slow and rhythmic classical music to fall asleep to, I set the ipod on sleep mode and drift off. When I awake the next song in the playlist is my intention recording. If you don’t have an Alarm Clock
that holds an ipod or iphone, you could just play it on your way to work or at the gym. There is no meditation or hypnosis so you should be safe to listen while driving. I hope you will be inspired and create one of your own, in the meantime feel free to borrow mine :~)
~Sometimes it also helps to imagine that you are working hand in hand with your guides, helpers, or angels from other realms, and that these helpers are there to serve you. They listen closely to your intentions and go scurrying throughout the far corners of the Universe, taking the thoughts and words that you have provided and then delivering them back to you down here on Earth in the forms and substances that you call third-dimensional experience. When you state your intentions in the present and envision them as if they have already occurred, you send the clearest possible message out to your helpers.~
Your joy walks with you every step of the way. You need look no further than that which is your own being. The world would have you think otherwise, and yet, what you do, how you think, and what you feel is entirely up to you. You are truly a magnificent entity with powers lying dormant and feelings, so sublime, ready to burst forth like a young flower which spreads its petals for the first time to greet the morning summer sun.
How long will you wait before you see yourself in your highest light and do what makes you truly happy? What will it take for you to open your heart and radiate outward the ocean of love which lies within you? You have been bound up too long, shackled to your fear, imprisoned by ghosts who are not real unless you make them so. The world needs you to be happy, to shine your light on all that you see, to laugh without limit, to touch the hearts and minds of every man, woman, and child who come your way.
Take a chance now and live life like you’ve always wanted. Envision yourself throwing off the fetters of fear, and calling unto you the glory that is yours by right of birth. Let your joy blaze like a fire in the night. That’s what the world needs from you.
And, more than that, that’s what you need from you.
From The Code: 10 Intentions for a Better World
Everything begins with a thought ~
I intend that I remember to start out everyday by saying my intentions.
I intend that I am looking within to see what would give me the most joy, and then I am consciously creating it.
I am a magnificent being, awakening to my highest potential. I express myself with joy, smiling easily and laughing often. I shine my light.
I intend I that I am strengthened by adversity.
I intend that I take some time everyday
to see myself in my highest light.
I intend that, from now on, all of your changes are gradual, gentle, and full of grace.
I intend that I am joyful and happy. I intend fun and laughter.
I intend that I am in perfect health – rejuvenated, aligned, balanced, and feeling physically great all of the time.
I let go so there is room for something better to come in.
I intend that I am taking time to play and have a lot of fun.
I intend that I am always moving forward toward the manifestation of my dreams.
I intend that I am always guided, guarded, and protected.
I intend that I am at peace within myself.
I intend that I am a mighty manifestor and that all good things come to me easily and effortlessly.
I intend that every part of me is ready, willing and able to have lots of money now.
I intend to feel good about having wealth and abundance.
I intend that I always have enough to spare and enough to share.
I intend that I attract amazing, positive people and experiences to my world.
I intend that I trust divine guidance, love surrounds me now.
I intend to trust that it is ok to have more money than I need.
I intend that I am loving and compassionate with myself allowing great people to come into my life.
I intend that I am living in grace and gratitude
I intend that I am creating a world that is always in support of me.
I intend that I am discovering and doing what I came here to do.
I intend that I am a kind, gentle and compassionate person.
I intend that I see everyone in their highest light and every event from its highest point of view.
I intend that I am seeing everyone, including myself, in their highest light – happy, healthy, whole, and humming.
I intend that I am listening closer to what I am saying,
and that I am eliminating the negative words from my speech.
I intend that I am open to receive from both expected and unexpected sources.
I intend that all of my thoughts, words, and deeds serve the highest and best good of the Universe, myself, and everyone everywhere.
I intend that I am only using words that serve me.
I intend that men, women, and children everywhere experience grace.
I intend that peace and harmony blossom all across the land.
I intend that everything needing to be known is known here today; that all of my words are clear, precise, uplifting, helpful, and fun; that each and everyone of us here is guided, guarded, and protected throughout this entire experience; and that everything we say and do here today serves the highest and best good of the Universe, ourselves, and everyone everywhere.
I intend that this Earth is living in its highest light, and that, within our environment, the air we breathe is clean and crisp; the water everywhere is crystal clear and delicious; the soil is abundant with lush growth and beautiful fruit is dripping from the trees; the animals are honored and respected; and that people all over the world are happy and smiling because they’re being given everything that they need!
And so be it and so it is!