I had moved to the country outside of Sedona in 2012 and was living in the most fairytale dream and then after a year and a half in utter bliss isolated in the country I was shot like a catapult into a year of extensive travel and family drama where my role was just to show up and support each of my family at different times.
I don’t know if I ever shared the story of how I moved to the little community of Cornville, about 15 minutes drive outside Sedona – it’s a doozy so I’ll tell you now.
I was looking for a new rental and not having much luck and then I was given some salt from the site where children saw a vision of mother Mary in Yugoslavia. I was taking a grain daily and asking Mary for a blessing and to help me find the perfect home.
While looking for homes to rent I was invited to see one in Cornville. I was dead set against moving out of town but once I saw the cottage surrounded by canals of water on 3 sides and water flowing out side the back patio door I was hooked. I had a dream in 2002 in which I was standing on a concrete porch with water flowing by and it was a very comforting dream. The porch on this house looked exactly like the one in my dream so I told the Realtor that I would take it. That was before I saw the rest of the house, which as it turned out was 2 tiny rooms!
- The Fairy Ring
- Oasis in the Desert
- The Back Porch
- Ball of Light in Grass
- The Chapel View
- Have You EVER seen an Orb like this?
Later I was questioning that decision because it was so much smaller than the home I had been living in and I would have to get rid of most of my furniture to fit into the cottage. I decided that it was worth it, I really longed to be so close to nature.
Across the road was a stone cabin which looked like a little French country farm cottage. There was a waterwheel in the path next to it and no other buildings within my view.
There were 2 micro climates. on one side of the house was a grassy lawn with bushy vines with purple flowers all around the perimeter and tall trees shading it from the hot sun and protecting the flowers. The lawn was almost a circle making it look like a fairy ring. On the other side of the house was a long stretch of grass with a few trees along the edges, this is where the morning sun would blaze across the yard.
I had to wait over the weekend for the landlord to approve my application so I spent the weekend considering what furniture I would keep and which would have to go. When I was visualizing where my patio furniture would go, I had a vision of having a porch swing hanging from a tree over the water and I got really excited. Then just a quick as that vision came another replaced it. The new vision was a Papasan chair, the round ones made of bamboo, hanging from the tree. I thought that would be even better, it would be like a little bird nest that I could snuggle up in and read.
On Monday I got the news that I could move in. I went to pick up the keys and went immediately to the house. The first thing I did was to go around the yard and take inventory of all the trees, bushes and vines. There were fruit trees and Walnut and Pecan, blackberries, grapes. It was heaven and I couldn’t wait to start gardening. While at the back of the yard I came across a garden shed that I had overlooked before. I opened up the door and guess what what inside?
A Papasan chair!
So I knew that was Spirit’s message to me that everything had been laid upon my path and that I would be taken care of. My phone didn’t work in that remote area and so I eventually gave up my job and I was doing Astrology readings at my kitchen table to earn my living.
I never wanted to leave my little oasis, I invited people out to visit and I would cook for them. I rarely went into town, even if I needed groceries I would just find something in my pantry rather than make the drive to town. Luckily people always brought me fresh produce, eggs from their chickens and once in a while, grass fed beef from the farm across the valley.
I learned that the cottage had been the Parsons home when the stone chapel across the street was the church and schoolhouse back in the 1800’s. Since then the home had been occupied by the Parson, and then later his wife. Her name was Mrs. Stone, interestingly my Spiritual teacher in the 1980’s was named Mrs. Stone. She was the teacher who taught me about the Ascended Masters and identified my guides as Jesus and St. Germain during a reading of my energy. She asked if I were dating a bearded man, I almost fell out of my chair because I had not dated in several years, in fact I had hardly left my apartment for 2 years because I was going to school, working and caring for my 2 year old daughter. I had been spending a good deal of my free time reading and I read a book which was supposedly channeled by St. Germain and Jesus and in the message the Masters encouraged us to ask them to come into our vibrational field during our prayer and meditation. So I figured “what the heck?” I began calling to them and asking for guidance. So when this woman just came out and asked about the bearded man – I knew she was seeing either one or both of these Ascended Masters. And for the record, I would never date a man with a beard or mustache, it’s just not my thing ;~)
So the cottage held a very spiritual and sacred energy due to all the prayer that had taken place over the years.
I was learning to commune with the natural world again, like I did when I was a child growing up in wild canyons in California. One day a mountain lion passed by while I laid in my papsan hammock reading and made a point of making eye contact with me 3 times as he lumbered past.
Another day while sitting in my rocking chair on the back porch in the shade of a Walnut tree a golden Eagle which landed on the tree branch across from the patio, about 5 feet away from me! I heard a voice inside my head say “I’m giving you a feather” and then I saw a tiny white piece of fluff float off in the breeze.
I couldn’t help but think “ha- some feather!?” I was chagrined later when I went out to the mailbox and found on the front path lay a beautiful golden feather. I later learned that the tiny white fluff is considered by the Hopi to be the most valuable feathers, it’s what they make their Spiritual Kachina dolls from. So the Eagle gave me it’s most valued feather and then it gave me one for my Ego too!
During my first month at the cottage there was a lot of cleanup to do in the gardens. One Sunday morning I was looking out over the part of the garden that I had named “the fairy ring” and noticed something in the bushes. I walked out to investigate and found a gigantic lavender rose. I didn’t even know there was a rose bush there! I began pulling away all the vines and cutting them back to get closer to the rose so I could prune it to encourage more of these amazing beauties. And then I came upon something in the ground at the base of the rose stump. It was metal and as I pulled it from the ground I discovered it was a letter opener designed to look like a sword with an elaborately carved handle which had turned verdigris with age. It was so deeply embedded behind all the vines it must have been there for many years, although the shaft was shiny as if it had been brand new. I thought that was odd and just tossed it into the garden bucket.
A neighbor came over one day and told me an enchanting story about Archangel Gabrielle living in the mountain known as “House Mountain” as we gazed out at the view. The mountain was named by the Hopi indians who lived in this area years ago. She said that Gabrielle was the Angel who served artists and creatives and communicators. I nodded politely to indicate that I understood and took it to heart, but to be honest I had no experience with Archangels prior to this and I didn’t know what to think about all the Angel-speak.
After she left I thought that perhaps I had been too cynical and that my Ego was preventing me from being open minded about that so I decided to look up Archangel Gabrielle on the internet and learn what I could. What I read almost knocked me over in surprise; It said that Archangel Gabrielle was Mary’s “High Self” and that there were 2 symbols she was known for: a sword and a rose! So now I was feeling especially humbled and grateful for the kindness and love that she had brought into my life.
One night I think I saw a fairy twinkling in the eaves of my house. At least that’s the best explanation I can come up with. The house was dark inside and I was talking on the phone, as it got darker outside I didn’t turn on any lights because I didn’t want mosquito’s and moths to come in. As I was talking there in the dark I saw a twinkling light up under the eaves outside the kitchen window. There was no way any light could be coming from there, so I assumed it was a reflection, but of what? And what would it be reflecting on? The eaves were made of tongue in groove wood and even if there had been a light on outside there was nothing shiny, metal or glass to mirror the light. I could find nothing as I moved my flashlight about trying to re-create the blinking light.
I tried every way I could to prove a logical source for the tiny light, to no avail. I have no idea what it actually was, maybe a lighting bug, I saw one in Mexico once in the mystical mountains at night, but I’ve never heard of one in Arizona.
Once when I went out to watch the moonrise I was overcome with the beauty and grabbed my camera to take a picture. As the lens closed I saw something show up in the picture that I could not explain. I looked at the image and saw the biggest orb I’ve ever seen. It took up almost half of the frame! What’s even weirder that also in the picture was a patio umbrella which was closed but everytime I showed the picture to people they would say “Is that Mary in the background!?” The umbrella is a pale blue and there was a plastic tie holding the spokes to the pole you know like when you close your umbrella and fix the ribbon around it to hold it closed? I had to laugh because it didn’t look anything like Mary but somehow that is what people saw. Coincidence?
Another mystical night I saw balls of light rolling across the lawn. It was a magical and wonderful odyssey to say the least. I took my phone out and snapped some pictures and you can see a white blur where the ball of light had traveled.
While living there in the cottage I ventured into Spiritual healing, Angel readings and Aromatouch massage and aroma therapy. I realize now that the nature and plant spirits were calling me to them all along. There was a time when I kept seeing a flyer on an aromatherapy class. I knew it would be a multi-level marketing thing, but there was this insistent voice in my head that said “you should go”. After the flyer (and the voice) showed up for the third time I relented and registered to go. It changed my life. What I learned is that plants carry frequency just like people do, but they do not have Ego to block the divine pattern from manifesting as beauty and harmony. Now I travel with a whole box of essential oils and use them many times a day to keep my own frequency aligned to the Divine pattern of Spirit.
Then the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio Nov. 2013 hit. Solar Eclipses are harbingers of change and this one was particularly intense because it was in the sign of Scorpio (ruled by Pluto – God of the underworld).
I was in Albuquerque for a tango festival that week and I had such a wonderful time. When I came home I “knew” it was time to move back into the “real world” so that I could earn more money and have enough to travel for more experiences like that. And so by Christmas I was packing up everything in my house for the move.
I didn’t know where I was moving to yet, so I made arrangements to stay with a friend and put my furniture in storage. I moved back into Sedona on Jan 1 and by Jan 5 had a new job. By March I had been to Albuquerque twice, California for 10 days and to the Yucatan to lead a private retreat!
Then in June I went back to California because my daughter was starting to talk about wanting to be out of her marriage. I wanted to be there to make a strong statement that I would be there to support her and watch the kids if she decided to take steps in that direction. 3 days after my arrival, she filed a restraining order to have her husband removed. I spent the next 3 months taking care of my grand kids on weekends and relishing a relationship with my daughter which had been estranged for the 12 years of her marriage to a controlling abusive man. He did not want her to have relationships with anyone who had influence over her. It was horrible to watch and yet I knew it was part of her karmic path.
At the end of summer I went back to Sedona and began looking for a home to rent. I was only there about 4 weeks when I got a call from my mother. She had gotten approved to move into a rent controlled senior condominium and would need to move immediately. So I drove back to California and spent the most recent 3 months helping her to downsize and move into a studio apartment (a herculean act, somewhat like herding cats), then sell the mobile home where she had lived for the last 32 years.
During the time I was living in my magical oasis in Cornville, several women came into my life (Jupiter conj. Moon) and it turns out that 3 of them have moved to the same town in California and all live within 2 miles of one another! So after all the stress and hard physical work of moving, negotiating with difficult people and my mother who has early signs of senility, needless to say I was eager to take a little time to visit my friends.
And that brings this message up to the minute. I look forward to sharing the next chapter as it is revealed to me. At the moment I feel like a trapeze artist who has just let go and cannot quite reach the next rung. I trust that Spirit will shine light on my path one step at a time as that seems to be the method so far.
Whatever is next I hope that it includes a lot more tango :~)
I miss doing astrology readings in my kitchen – but I am available to do phone sessions, mama can always use new tango shoes :~)
I am so happy to have you in my life.
I look forward to hearing from you again soon.
From the heart of my heart to yours,
Love Jeannie