Voice Print Analysis

Do You know?
It’s important to identify, correct, and protect your body from unwanted “information”, that can send your body into a stress response.
Considering the words of Dr Bruce Lipton, who said that even though all of us have cancer genes in our body… the gene doesn’t “switch on” unless the atmosphere and environment are conducive to its growth. This concept of epigenetics has is literally what NES BioEnergetix is able to address. The scan will show where and what we are holding onto energetically that can affect our health negatively over time.
The idea that we should talk to our cells may sound crazy to some, but Spiritual teachings worldwide advise us to “give praise and be thankful” as a primary commandment. But wait, there’s more to it than that…
Introducing the Energy4Life BioEnergetix Wellness Scan
With NES BioEnergetix Wellness Scan we can take a 10-second sample of your voice to identify your holographic energy field and identify any subconscious emotions, memories and imprints as well as hundreds of other potentially hazardous bits of “information” which are informing your physical cells how to react.
What kind of unwanted toxic information might be in your field? Think “dirty electricity” and the distorted radio signals that your body is receiving, also think of “chemtrails”, pollution, environmental toxins, poor water quality, pesticides in foods, molds, fungus, emotional stress, negative self-talk, voices of parents or others condemning, shaming, guilting, blaming, etc. and we check for it ALL!
Bioenergetics, a holistic wellness approach, is a promising method for addressing many emotional issues including Seasonal Affective Disorder. Bioenergetics incorporates energy healing techniques, including infoceuticals, electro-magnetic frequencies, Reiki, and more, to unblock energy flow, balance chakras to address emotional imbalances, and release stored emotions and trauma from the body.
Assessing Your Health
Once we have the results of your voice sample the Energy4Life/NES technology will produce a 40-50 page report identifying how YOUR body is gathering, collecting, storing and utilizing the energy in your environment. We look at things as subtle as “adverse childhood experiences”, the subconscious mindset you are operating under, and even discuss how you are progressing in your own personal “Hero’s Journey”. Finally, we will provide tools for making corrections to bring you back into alignment with your true Divine purpose.
As your guide and coach, I have researched data studies from clinical trials on disease states, energetic studies, transpersonal states of consciousness, and over 200 hours of written training material in order to help you to understand and integrate the information found in your voice analysis. I am here to help you develop a mindset of taking proactive steps to fully actualize the vast amount of energy and creativity that is your birthright.
Remedies That Correct Distortions
NES offers 3 ways to correct the information and data that is informing your body, and that which your body is in resonance with and replace any toxic or negative energies with those which are harmonious to the natural order of the Earth, and the forces of our natural world… as the CREATOR intended.
- ) Personalized Meditations which synthesize sound frequencies, mental attitudes, beliefs and affirmations, and heart coherence exercises that you would use daily to maintain a new pattern of information in your hologram/aura/body field.
- ) Infoceuticals: Pure structured water with essential trace minerals which provide support for electron transport of information via the cells in your body matrix of the interstitial tissue, brain cells, axons, and dendrites. “nerves that fire together – wire together” Dr. Joe Dispenza
- ) MiHealth – a revolutionary technology developed to support Russian Cosmonauts in space. This device functions in 3 ways to deliver corrective frequencies for your mind, body and Spirit. The electrode function can send signals directly into the body tissues, meridian lines, and chakra points to deliver information throughout the body all at once via global scaling Scenar technology. Or, if you prefer a gentle pulsed, electro-magnetic wave to penetrate your aura to signal peace, tranquility, better sleep cycles, DNA repair (while you sleep), and (my favorite) energies to stimulate the subconscious mind to allow for a release of unnecessary, unuseful and potentially detrimental memories, perceptions, projections which have been continually creating the same old, repeating problems in our personal lives! What’s even better? We can send a customized program of frequencies to your device via a quick update over the internet with your own personalized remedies, for your family members, and even your pets!
- Personalized Meditation
- MiHealth Device
- Infoceutical Remedies
Feeling Good Vibrations?
There are even Infoceuticals that are categorized as “Feel Goods” These can be used anytime, anywhere, alongside your prescribed remedies to enhance your experience on a personal, emotional level. Imagine being able to sip a glass of water and just feel “more at peace”, or “more open to relationships”, “more comfortable making decisions” and more!
Are you ready? Get Your BioEnergetix Wellness Scan
I am happy for the opportunity to provide you with the support of analysis & assessment of your BioEnergetic Field.
I will be notified when your voice print has been submitted – please let me know your best availability and I will contact you as soon as I have an opening that matches.
Voice imprint instructions
To begin please click the link below and create your free account.
Once you’ve
A) entered your information
B) completed the “client intake form”
– click on “Scans”
– click “BWS Voice Scan”
– click “ok” if you get a message re “allow microphone”
– when the countdown ticker starts count to 10 (out loud). For best results sure you are in a quiet space without background noise.
That’s it! It’s simple and takes less than 3 minutes to set up and scan.
The scan reads your entire body field because your voice contains a holographic “image” of your body field imprinted on the sound waves you make when you speak.
While you are waiting for your appointment with me, please click on the “Self Health” tab and investigate one of the podcasts or “Restore your Energy with Bioenergetics” book, a new recipe, and (my favorite) the imprinted music selection.
Not only does Energy4Life imprint infoceuticals, but they have also created high-quality music imprinted with the frequencies that support you best.
Please also take a few moments to complete the “intake form” as this will help you to compare your voice print analysis against what you “consciously know” about your current state of well-being.