11-11-11 What Does it Mean?

by SedonaJeannie on October 2, 2011

11-11 is a number that has significance for many people.  We’ve had numerous meditation events held on that date and people tell me that they see that number on their clocks all the time (well, duh, anyone can see it at least twice each day).

Usually when someone mentions that number pairing though, they have some salacious detail about a syncronistic event to share.  Interesting.  But why?

So here we are in 2011, on the eve of 11-11-11, what should we expect?  We know that on October 29th we will officially have completed the final day of the Mayan Calendar (according to Carl Calleman).  If what is commonly believed is true we will be in the 1st day of a new 26,000 year period and all fully cognizant in unity consciousness.  Sounds good in theory, but how exactly are we to get to that state of “unity”?

As an intuitive guide and spiritual retreat designer I am starting to notice a lot of people are waking up to a new calling and inner urge for transformation.  When this happens it can be quite confusing and for some even frightening.  The awakening or initiation ( as I prefer to think of it) brings all kinds of new experiences including the ability to perceive the subtler levels of our being, psychic awareness, precognition, a state of inner peace and yes, sometimes frustration with the disparity between what was and what is becoming.

When we open to the light, the darkness becomes more contrast, shadows grow larger and our tolerance for negativity becomes nil.  It can sometimes feel as though we are being forced into a new version of ourselves, like a baby who is comfortably resting in the womb when suddenly things become very cramped and there is only one way to go….

So what can we do to prepare for this change? How do we learn to relax into the change and gracefully adopt our new self?  I recommend finding others who have been there and can escort you along the path for a while.  In fact, that is what I do every day, listen to people tell me about their experience, listen for clues to what they are dealing with from a transcendental viewpoint and help them to realize that there is nothing wrong with them per se.

For most people they are just stuck in the 3d world of humanity and the collective belief that we are limited by our physical environment and the rules that govern it…like gravity, ha!  Physicists are turning those rules upside down daily and most agree that when we think of our physical selves, we are considering only the tip of the iceberg, that in fact the largest part of us is our energetic self.  Further that the world we live in is one of potentially thousands all withing the same space-time-continuim.

I work with people every day who are looking for support in their journey to awakening and one of the ways that I find people can get real answers and tools to further develop their consciousness is to take a break from the everyday work-a-day world and immerse themselves in experiential retreat.  I feel that retreat in an area of intensified energy helps to clearly identify the difference in the types of energy, or frequencies of energy that we experience everyday, but don’t have the time to give attention and focus to in our everyday lives.  When we take time to “notice” there are all kinds of clues that would assist us to live from our joy, love and passion.

And so, my passion is to facilitate others in the process of focusing, giving attention to the un-seen self, the soul and finding others who can escort them in non-invasive guidance to their place of inner peace and empowerment.  The retreats that I organize for others always have components of physical, emotional, spiritual and mental awareness.  The retreat locations I choose are those with the most conducive energy frequencies for the individual.

Where do I recommend for 11-11-11? to be continued…

Maybe you are considering:


this is where I call home so naturally I recommend the healing energy available here.


– Mayan country, but of course! – and that is where I will be, to learn of retreat experiences available check out:

Mayan Adventure Retreats


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